creating leverage for start-ups & venture capital
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what we do

our service offering is Twofold:


Financial modeling
Cap table forecasting
Investor relationship management
Pitch deck composition

Business Development

Market research
Content marketing
Competitive analysis
Partnership on-boarding


quantifying competitive advantages

financial modeling

A financial model is the key to highlighting your market opportunity, customer acquisition costs, and overall economic viability. This critical tool should be as intuitive as using a calculator, and we accordingly place utmost importance in helping you avoid "spreadsheet spaghetti".

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powerful storytelling

Be prepared for discussions with investors. Our experience from both sides of the fundraising table (as start-up operators and as venture capitalists) informs our approach to telling your story, engaging your audience, and broadly informing the world about your unique value proposition.

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entrepreneurial grit

leverage our principled diligence to achieve resilience

World Class Innovators

We are driven by the energy from our early stage partners who are keen to build new software the world has never seen before.

World Class Deal Flow

We organically cultivate validated business models around the globe. Our goal is to ultimately build customer traction for our startup partners, thereby making them ‘investable’ in today’s market.

Under-Represented Founders

We derive deep satisfaction from helping underrepresented entrepreneurs overcome barriers.  Building a successful business requires patience, and these founders face unique challenges along the way. By sharing our insights and lessons learned, we help teams sharpen their “venture capital literacy” so they can carry themselves with confidence during investor interactions.

We provide ongoing support to all of our early stage partners, even after formal engagements end. In today’s breakneck-paced market, we strive to nurture every relationship into durable friendships that we hope will persist through all market cycles.

We relentlessly attend local events to do our part in cultivating a world-class ecosystem around us.

Midwestern Roots

The Dolopians occupied a mountainous region of Ancient Greece.

The naturally arduous terrain shaped their culture, forging a Stoic willpower that allowed them to persevere through a state of constant challenge.

The American Midwest work ethic boasts an eagerness to rise earlier, work harder and stay longer to get the job done.

This is where our roots lie, and this is how we approach the tasks at hand.